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雅思口语part2&3话题: 印象深刻的一节课

发布时间:2022-03-07 19:49银行理财 评论

理财鱼小提示:雅思口语part2&3话题: 印象深刻的一节课




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Described a course that impressed you a lot

You should say:

What the course was about

Where you took the course

What you did during the course

And explain why it impressed you a lot


I always remember the time when I had a history class taught by Mr Chan, our headmaster in junior high school about 12 years ago.

In the class, he shared the history of first-time Olympics Game joined by a Chinese athlete, Liu Changchun, in 1932, with his great determination in winning the game for China. Mr Chan was such a skillful teacher to raise a lot of inspiring questions in class to arouse

our interest in such historic event. What's more, he showed us the picture and video in illustrating the time how different Liu could join the game with economic and technological drawbacks.

I could still remember Mr Chan's comments, "Be a man with great incentives and be a man to make your motherland proud." I keep the words in mind and try my great efforts in making it in real.


Which can help you remember things better,words or photos?

Why do some people have better memory?

Do people like things of memorial significance?

Can technology helo people remember things better?How?


1Which can help you remember things better, words or photos?

I guess photos. Different from words, photos may show the postures, surrounding and other details vividly, which could be so helpful for one to memorize the moment effectively. Also, photos are more easy to share with others when one could print them out to decorate their homes in photo frames.

2) Why do some people have better memory?

There're many factors involved in such discussion I guess, one of which is the genetic factor. A good memory is born when one's parents have such ability inherently. Another factor might be something related with one's learning habit. Under a systematic training, one could be good at memorizing things gradually.

3) Do people like things of memorial significance?

I guess so. That might be part of the reason we may have memorial celebrations like national days or independence days. History could be better learnt and kept by such behaviors to some extent.

4) Can technology help people remember things better? How?

Definitely yes. Thanks to the modern technology of phone apps, one could be automatically reminded of their working and academic schedule when they put the dates beforehand. Also some medical treatment on brains may get one overcome the memory deficit as well.









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