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Apple Reportedly Dismisses Car-Making Unit

发布时间:2022-03-17 08:10理财方法 评论

理财鱼小提示:Apple Reportedly Dismisses Car-Making Unit

Image Source: Visual China

BEIJING, March 16 (TMTPOST) —Apple’s car project team has been dissolved for some time, according to Kuo Ming-chi, an analyst at TF International Securities.

“The Apple Car project team has been dissolved for some time. The reorganization within the next three to six months is necessary to achieve the goal of mass production by 2025,” Kuo said on Twitter.

Kuo is a senior analyst at TF International Securities who is known for his analysis and information about Apple. Information from Kuo about Apple has been relatively accurate over the years.

If the information from Kuo is true, consumers will not be able to see Apple’s in-house car before 2025.

Apple’s car-making project titled Project Titan was first reported in 2014, capturing attention from its tech counterparts, automakers, investors and consumers across the globe.

There have been reports of patents involving Apple’s car project in the past seven years. For instance, patents on intelligent vehicle doors and seat belts with touch screens were reported.

In 2021, there had been frequent reports of Apple visiting manufacturers in South Korea. It was reported that Apple might be making cars on South Korean carmaker Hyundai Motor’s platform.

The information from Kuo echoes with recent reports of the resignation of the senior management members at Apple’s car project. It appears that Apple is straying away from its car project instead of getting close to rolling out a product.

It is not uncommon for Apple to ax its projects. For instance, Apple’s wireless charging project AirPower was aborted a few years ago because of the difficulty of achieving mass production. Projects that Apple believes to be difficult to enter mass production would often get axed by the company.

The car project is a challenge to Apple, whether it is the research and development or branding. It makes it even more difficult for Apple to roll up a product as the company wishes to achieve L4 autonomous driving for its vehicles.

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